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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today I sing

Today I write for you,
For the hearts full of grace,
For the souls ripe with zeal,
Striving for an existence,
To avoid the humility,
On the brink of devastation,

Today I sing for you,
For the victims of cruelty,
For the quarries of insanity,
Roaring with unheard breath,
To repeal the blame of futility,
In the lack of voice,

Today I speak for you,
For the words against tyranny,
For the voice against suppression,
Yelling for an innate freedom,
To scare the roots of ferocity,
For a deeper understanding of rights,

Today I stand for you,
For the casualties of atrocity,
For the steps towards destiny,
Discarding the trepidation of death,
To live a meaningful life,
For a realization of freedom,

A sovereign flesh, I am,
Blessed with positivity,
No more silence, my friends,
For there’s no periphery of sagacity,
Remorse would I feel, if I compromise,
For there’s no substitute for equality,
“Might is right” is gone my friend,
Open your eyes for a new clarity.

1 comment:

Khadka, Sushil said...

Reading this poem reminded me of Tagore....World that Bishal envisions should be the one we all should be living and also striving for.
Lets work together to create a world where everyone has an equal place for each other...