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Friday, October 9, 2015

Dry Nationalism--Broken Hopes!

In you, we trusted; in your words, we believed;
Not once, not twice, but multiple times,
You came, asked and we sacrificed.

In 2007, it was Rana dynasty,
We would liberate you against their tyranny, you said,
Education for all, you reiterated,
Little we knew what all that meant,
But still we fought in; we gave in all we possessed. 

We marched the victory parade together,
Long live democracy, we chanted on the streets,
Not aware that would be the last time that you would,
Speak the language that we do,  
And pretend to care, on a daily basis, what we go through.

In 2036 and 2047, it was Panchayat,
We need a democratic Nepal, you came back again,
Strong and inspired you seemed,
We trusted you one more time, with our future, with our lives,
Losses that we could not recover, but faith that we restored,
Despite your broken promises, we didn’t let our hopes drop,
Yet again, you forgot our language;
You forgot our plea; you forgot our pain,
In the aftermath of victory parade that lead you to the top.

In 2051, it wasn’t you, it was them,
They came from jungles, they came from rubble,
They spoke right through our hearts,
Inequality, injustice, prejudice, we will eradicate,
Mantras that soon became our motto,
Different they seemed from who you were,
Little it took for us to conform to;
Ideologies that was so alien, yet seemed ideal,
Philosophy that was so violent, yet so pertinent,
They gave us mantras; they gave us guns,
Fight is what we need to do; against you they provoked,
We gave in, we fought for, we resisted,
They too left us stranded, no longer speaking for us, speaking about us,  
Again lives lost that we could not recover, but faith still lingered.

Time passed, they met you, and you two united,
Friendship that had nothing in common,
Except greed and desire,
In 2061, it was King Gyanendra,
We need a Republic Nepal, you two shouted together,
The same broken dreams, similar hopes that we fell for,
Belief that this would change our lives,
Faith that this would transform our dreams,
Led us to revolt again; on the streets, against the bullets,
Federal Republic that we established,
Over countless lives lost, tragedy so huge to surmount.

Then you disappeared,
We didn’t know where you two hid, once you got to that hot seat,
Did you even recall us?
Did you even care what happened to us? Did you even recall who lost their lives?
For you, it probably meant nothing; our brothers, our friends who died,
You got to where you longed; never looked back and pondered,
The plea that got us aroused, the pain that made us trust you,
For all this time, you motives were clear,
Just like morning dews, your mantras on nationalism dried up,
Only fool were we to believe opportunists like you,
To trust you with our lives, with our future.

This time, it isn’t against anyone,
There is no ‘us’ and ‘them,’
You ignited a fire between us,
Disturbing the social tranquility that had been our pride,
Again giving us false hopes, broken promises,
You made us take on streets again,
Against our own brothers, our own friends,
Your greed, your hypocrisy that should have been so obvious,
Yet, completely missed by our blind eyes,
Only fool ones are we to believe opportunists like you,
To trust you with our lives, with our future.


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